I doused my custard cups with cinnamon to make them more photogenic - the jiggly egg texture was definitely coming through. The first takes looked like something might emerge from the depths of the bowl at any
moment! The cinnamon turned out to be a nice addition, especially since the lemon was very soft and the eggs quite pronounced. I always find the idea of custard more appealing than the actual dessert. It seems so devilishly yummy, holding out somewhere between a pudding and a moist cake. When I eat it, I find mouth trying to figure out what to do with it, and missing out on most of the taste.

I made half a batch, enough for three custard cups. I had to bake it for
90 minutes instead of the recommended 40 - and I still had slippery jiggle in the middle! I would jump to the conclusion that my oven is broken, but it was producing large amounts of heat, even as I stuck my head in the door peering down at my sad custard cups. As B. delicately put it, "Did you leave out any ingredients? Something you needed..." There are four ingredients! Surely as a somewhat
competent kitchen
clutterer, I could do justice by four little ingredients. (But I did double check the recipe just to make sure and kindly thank him for his suggestion.)
After being chilled, the little cups perked up a bit and were tasty. It was a nice little treat after work today, and a nice change to all the recent chocolate consumption. Thanks to Bridget of
The Way the Cookie Crumbles for picking this one out.
Yeah, I thought maybe I had left something out, too. Nice add with the cinnamon!
I'm glad they worked out in the end!
I would have never thought to put cinnamon on top.
Cinnamon! Love it - so many people found variations for the topping - that's great! I never thought of that, but will have to try it. Definitely a "make again" recipe! Nicely done!
I bet the cinnamon helped! I wish I had thought of that...nice job!
Maybe a little too low on the flavor, even tho' I liked the custard. Cinnamon would add an extra kick.
The cinnamon addition sounds yummy.
Good idea with the cinnamon! I didn't have a chance to make these but will have to try them sometime.
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