One of the perks of living overseas in West Africa and working a job with crazy overtime was the vacation. Sitting in the office one afternoon, two of my co-workers spun the globe, and settled their sights on Egypt. It didn't take long (just a few hours of making pyramid and funny sphinx shapes with their arms) and a I and another were in. We booked our tickets that day and were off in two. There's something about last-minute, totally spontaneous trips that I just love. It's like you bypass all the icky planning and waiting and just jump to the fun and adventure.
I think I ate hummus every single day in Egypt. Our fallucca (boat) captain made it for us on a 3-day trip down the Nile, I had it on pita from street vendors, at lunch-time cafes. I really enjoy hummus - it's super easy and simple, and a great protein source for us veggie-lovin' peeps. It's so easy that it's pretty much instant gratification...did I mention I'm still a kid at heart? 

1 can chickpeas, drained
juice of 1 lemon, about 2 Tablespoons
1 Tablespoon tahini (sesame seed paste)
1 Tablespoon olive or safflower oil
1 garlic clove
3 sun dried tomatoes
cayenne pepper, to taste
1/2 - 1 cup water and chickpea liquid
- Put first 6 ingredients in blender or food processor.
- Blend until well combined and mixture becomes homogeneous.
- Add water and/or chickpea liquid until the consistency is spreadable and dippable.
Hummus is good with so many things: pita, raw carrots, falafel, salad. A friend even made it into a tasty pasta sauce. I sauteed some onion, corrilini mushrooms, carrots, lettuce, and tomatoes and dipped it all in. I love eating with my hands!
Your hummus sounds delicious. Egypt must have been fun and interesting.
paragraph one made me cry... i'm turning into loup
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