It was supposed to be chocolatey, simple yet impressive...a 4 star bread pudding - I LOVE bread pudding!
Instead, it was dry on top, gooey in the middle (dry & gooey???), ugly, and not sweet.
Perhaps I messed up during the downsizing. Perhaps it was the English muffin I used. Hey, this was a last minute bake. I wasn't even going to post today. But a funny thing happens when you usually do something. First, people expect you to.
"What are making for Tuesdays with Dorie this week?" "Well, nothing..." hmmm
Next, you expect yourself to. "What sweet thing am I going to get tonight?" "Well, nothing.." "But it's the Sunday before Tuesday..." then it's Monday and I'm still craving something sweet, then it's Tuesday and I see everyone's Chocolate Bread Pudding posts so I cave.
I divided the recipe in approximate sevenths. I say approximate because I am too bad at math and too lazy to get a calculator and convert 4/7 of a cup into tablespoons. I do this a lot, and it usually works. Usually, but not always (tonight). But to every situation, may there be an upside and mine was...(drum role)...I got to break-out the mini whisk for the first time ever! Well, first legitimate time ever. This whisk came to me from my mom (thanks ma!) and I thought it so cute that I stirred my coffee with it just to put it to use.

Once the whisking was done, I added the hot milk and poured it over the bread to sit like Dorie said. Then it went in the oven, and came out looking a little weathered. Oh well, I suppose every night can't be a 4 star night...but I'm glad I gave it a try.
Oh what a bummer! Make it again - but this time use regular bread! It's definitely worth the time and effort.
That whisk is SO cute!! Sorry you didn't like the pudding. I really enjoyed this recipe.
Oh, too bad it didn't work out. Love your tiny whisk, though!
Too bad it didn't work out for you! At least you tried...
Dry and gooey. Ah, well. Try again with a different bread. Makes all the difference. I am going to buy 1 croissant and make an itty bitty pudding. I love a tiny whisk. Perfect for some jobs.
Sorry it didn't work out! I really enjoyed this, especially warmed up with chocolate syrup or cream anglaise!
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