I love pudding. All kinds. So I was a bit excited about making rice pudding for TWD. I love the idea of making it with arborio rice, the kind probably most famous for risotto. Its short, stubby thickness worked really well for the pudding, and I will definitely use it in other rice pudding recipes.
Dorie listed two possible varieties: white or black (vanilla or chocolate). Chocolate rice pudding? I'm not so sure about that one, so I stuck with vanilla and added drunken cranberries and crushed almonds. Delicious! I just made half a recipe so it was a nice little treat waiting in the fridge when my mom and I returned from an afternoon (and evening) of shopping. It was our perfect little ending to a fabulous day.

I ran into a small dilemma when I went to steep the cranberries. I'd never before steeped dried fruit in alcohol and wanted some guidance on it. I googled and searched but found nothing. I tried to use what common sense I have and soaked the fruit in the sherry, then drained it. It added a lovely though strong sherry taste.


Anonymous said...

Drunken cranberries and almonds!? LOVE IT! That sounds so good!

Engineer Baker said...

Cranberries, almonds, and sherry? I'm there! Rum works really well in rice pudding too :)