Kitchen Sink Tuna Salad

Coming back from vacation, I had a couple of very nice surprises waiting for me.

Firstly, my mom had planted beautiful assortments of flowers in two flower boxes I have on my balcony. They had been sitting empty for awhile, relegated to being deterents to my cat jumping off. They are now beautiful and add so much to the space, which is one of the best feautures of my apartment!

Secondly, the guy I'm seeing left two bunches of flowers.

Did I mentioned I love plants and flowers?

I also love food. I had a late flight that arrived after midnight, and worked the following day. When I got home, I was left searching around for food. I had a few staples and random food, and threw it together for a kitchen sink tuna salad that was quite satisfying eaten with carrots and pita chips.

Kichen Sink Tuna Salad

one can of tuna in water, drained but keeping some water

one can of Northen white beans

mayonnaise to taste, I used about 2 Tablespoons

handful of sunflower seeds

one apple, shredded

cayenne pepper, black pepper, and cumin to taste

Mix, chill, enjoy!

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